November 22, 2012 – Comsis announce the availability of a Wi-Fi worst case jammer.
It is an inarguable fact that Wi-Fi networks have become ubiquitous and extremely valuable to both end users and operators. There are however places and conditions where Wi-Fi can become a real trouble maker.
An example of such a situation was recently reported by several Chinese newspapers:
Service on a Shenzhen subway line was halted this week, reportedly because the system had been compromised by a Wi-fi signal operating on the same frequency.
The signal may have caused interference that interrupted services and possibly made the subway system vulnerable to cyberattacks, one expert said.
(South China Morning Post, 07 November 2012)
Although conditional style is used and the investigations are still inconclusive, the incident has raised a major concern: the (in)ability to control the how the spectrum is used. As a result, the authorities are considering a total ban of suspected wireless services and legitimate Internet access altogether. Would there be a better solution to the co-existence of train security and data access? Probably.
As opposed to traditional jammers, the jammer designed by Comsis continuously scans the Wi-Fi channels and can actively block the transmissions before they occur, keeping the channels clear for other uses. The jammer can operate in an on-demand way with an external control over a short period of time and for a specific channel. The Wi-Fi communications are left untouched when the jammer allows.
Applications of the worst case jammer include the protection of industrial and medical wireless communications, and the reduction of the electro-magnetic emissions. The jammer could also help individuals willing to reduce their exposure to radio signals at home or at the office by blocking the unwanted traffic.
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